
I’m a run of the mill C# developer with more curiosity than talent that’s recently been bitten by the functional programming bug.

My first introduction into this world was with Erlang by a colleague, so I rushed out bought a book and proceeded to faff around on Project Euler for a couple of weeks before deciding I wasn’t really getting in to it.

Luckily for me I noticed that Coursera was promoting a new (at the time) course on functional programming in Scala and, being the curly braces guy that I am, immediately joined up. I found coming from C# and LINQ that it wasn’t really that much of a leap at all particularly with the introductory level that the course was set at.

So, having drunk from the Scala kool aid and boring people to death about it at work like some kid in love reality eventually dawned on me that I probably wasn’t going to get anywhere with it in a .NET shop. My new focus became F#.

Whilst I don’t write any production code in F# (actually, now-a-days I write very little production code), all my prototypes or side projects are written in it.

With that in mind, this blog is an outlet for me to explore functional programming concepts in an attempt to get better acquainted with them.

Just another dev attempting to jump on the functional bandwagon